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Dear ladies and gentlemen,

COMNEWS invites you and your partners to take part in the Case-conference  «ICT Loyalty & CEM 2013 – effective strategies for customer loyalty and experience management in ICT».

Date and venue:
June 6, 2013, Marriott Moscow Tverskaya Hotel (34st Tverskaya-Yamskaya St., Moscow, Russia).

According to experts estimates,  today the growth rate of ICT market is comparable only to a young but rapidly gathering pace e-commerce market. The changing client’s behavior in modern interactive information environment makes companies in different segments of highly competitive markets to steer more resources to loyalty programs and customers’ experience management (CEM)   development. The study of cross-experience, comparison of different motivation schemes and retaining customers, as well as studying the companies' errors on related markets is an effective way to create a unique and working loyalty program in ICT business.

The aims of  the case-conference:
  • ­To join representatives of the ICT and e-commerce markets on an independent platform for exchanging experience and studying  typical mistakes during loyalty programs implementation
  • ­To consider the marketing, technical and economic aspects of loyalty and  customers’  experience management
  • ­To provide  the forming class of professionals in the CEM field with the expert support from members of the CLCC Association

Top-ranked experts in the field of management, loyalty, CRM and CEM will discuss the following issues:
  • ­Development of customers’ loyalty in today's multi-channel information environment and social media impact on development of communications with a Client.
  • ­The practice of retaining customers in developed markets. Establishment of an effective approach to retain customers in different segments (pre-paid, postpaid, internet providers)
  • ­Experience in assessing customer experience in ICT via business analytics
  • ­Transformation of customer experience into customer loyalty
  • Innovations in the loyalty programs development
  • ­Modern approaches to customer service in POS and call centers
  • ­Optimization of customer experience in all points of interaction with the operator (points of sales, call centers, online channels, sales representatives, billing services)
  • Evaluation of the financial part of the implemented a loyalty program

Audience: CEOs, business development directors, heads and managers of marketing, development of loyalty programs, customer experience management (CEM), customer relationship management (CRM) departments, managers of work with clients departments, IT directors, finance managers, leaders of economic departments, top-managers responsible for CRM automating, marketing analytics and policy of ICT related to development and retention of the subscriber base.

6 reasons to participate the case-conference:
  • ­Learn  the colleagues experience and find your own way to attract and retain subscribers
  • ­Adopt best practices of related market
  • ­Structure existing knowledge and get new ideas and instruments for business development
  • ­Mark the beginning of the holiday season  with high quality networking and constructive discussions
  • ­Get answers to your questions from market experts
  • ­Add your name into the pool of  rare and necessary specialists of loyalty programs management and CEM by joining the CLCC Association.

If  you need more reasons to make a decision about participation or convince the director, please inform our account manager  Svetlana Vakhotina  sv@comnews.ru  about  your interest. We have a lot to offer you.

See you on the «ICT Loyalty & CEM 2013» conference!

Best regards,
Oksana Kruglova
Conference Producer

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Head of SPEX department:


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