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ComNews Conferences announces the 3rd International Forum
“e-Government in Russia 2012” scheduled for May 16, 2012 in Expocentre Fairgrounds (Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya nab.)

The 3rd International Forum “e-Government in Russia 2012” will take place in the days of the 24th International Exhibition for Telecommunications, Control Systems, IT and Communication Services «SVIAZ-EXPOCOMM'2012» held on May 14-17, 2012 at Expocentre Fairgrounds

For three years in succession COMNEWS unites market specialists to exchange experience and discuss issues connected with the creation of e-Government in Russia.
In 2011 the leading regions and the federal departments presented the best projects on transferring state services into electronic form at the Forum.
The forum was supported by all key companies involved in development and implementation of the projects in e-government area.
Last year the event included two parallel thematic flows, the “round table” and open discussions. The Forum was attended by over than 200 representatives of government bodies (federal and regional) and contractor companies.

In 2012 the official award ceremony of winners of the All-Russian contest “Best 10 IT-projects for government sector”, hosted by COMNEWS for the 4th time with the support of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation will take place as a part of the business form. This considerably increases the status of the forum, making it one of the key events of the Russian ICT market.

The format of “e-Government in Russia 2012” business forum proposes a number of discussions and round tables to the participants.

The key topics of the forum:

  • Measures implementation for creation of e-government in Russia: state policy and real practice of rendering electronic state services;
  • Creation of the electronic interdepartmental document circulation systems: what has been already done, and what is to be done?
  • Global and Russian experience of rendering electronic stateservices to the public and business. Best informatization practicies in regions and municipalities. Best solutions from developers and system integrators;
  • e-government 2.0: conditions and objectives for creation the national cloud platform;
  • How to minimize expenditures for start-up and increase the quality of the provided electronic municipal services?
  • Practice of compiling the universal electronic cards infrastructure;
  • How to increase the popularity of state electronic services among the citizens?

We invite to participate: representatives of state bodies (federal, regional and municipal); leaders of specialized committees responsible for informatization; representatives of mobile operators, system integrators, IT- companies, involved in development and implementation of the projects in e-government area, equipment manufacturers, industry experts, representatives of public and scientific organizations and mass media representatives.

2011 год
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