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Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,

ComNews Conferences in partnership with the Russian Satellite Communications Company (RSCC) and the Russian State Radio and Television Company (RTRS) is delighted to invite to the 2nd International Conference «DIGITAL TELEVISION AND MASS COMMUNICATIONS IN RUSSIA - 2011» on March 30-31, 2011 in Renaissance Moscow Hotel (Russia, Moscow, Olympiski prospect 18/1) 
In 2010 the Conference was held for the first time and united over 300 professionals of the digital broadcasting market of Russia.

In 2011, the co-organizers of the conference are the National Association of Broadcasters and the Cable TV Association of Russia.
According to the key players of the Russian ICT industry,a complete transition of the national broadcasting to digital technology requires a fundamentally new business order and the quality of interaction among the market participants: traditional and new broadcasters, telecommunication operators, satellite providers, cable and mobile TV, hardware manufacturers and content providers.
The concept of the Conference-2011 is not focused on any specific market segment but gives a highly professional overview of the Russian DTV market itself. The Conference is designed to help the participants get the best value from this event, by hearing views and sharing ideas with the industry’s leaders.
The key topics 2011:
  • Federal program «Development of broadcasting in the Russian Federation 2009 – 2015»: implementation progress. Launching DTV networks in the regions.
  • Satellite constellation RSCC as a basis for DTV development in Russia
  • Development of digital broadcasting in Europe and world-wide
  • Inclusion of the 9th regional channel in the first multiplex: technical and regulatory aspects and 3rd multiplexes
  • Principles and formation principles of the 2nd and 3rd multiplexes
  • Network partnership of regional broadcasters and federal networks. Regional broadcasting and advertising in the DTV program deployment
  • Splicing technology for regional advertising and programs
  • National Bank of video content
  • Business model of the federal and regional broadcasting in the new environment
  • The future of city and municipal TV stations, formation of local multiplexes
  • Independent digital terrestrial TV networks in the Russian regions (launched before the start of the national program of broadcast digitalization)
  • Russian Pay-TV Market
  • Mobile digital TV
  • Subscriber DTVstations
  • The role of cable TV networks and direct satellite broadcasting in the digitalization of broadcasting in Russia
  • TV broadcasts in the Internet and its prospects
  • Development of IPTV services
  • CDN
  • HDTV and concept of including a HD-channel into the third multiplex
  • 3DTV in Russia and worldwide
  • Adjusting the cutoff time of analogue broadcasting in Russia
Speakers confirmed:
Alexey Malinin, Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass communications of the Russian Federation
Yury Prokhorov, General Director, RSCC
Andrey Romanchenko,General Director, RTRS
Sebastian Moeritz, President, MPEGIF
Eduard Sagalaev, President, National Association of TV and Radio Broadcasters of Russia (NAT)
Nikolay Orlov, CIS Regional Director, Eutelsat
Radik Batirshin, Chairman, TV-Radio Corporation «MIR»
Yuri Shklyar, Advisor to the General Director, National Media Group
Anatoly Smorgonsky, Chief Marketing Officer on TV content and services, VimpelCom
Vladimir Ananich, General producer, TPP VKT
Denis Nochevnov, Head of New Technologies and Projects Department, MegaFon and others.
We are looking forward to meeting you and your colleagues in Moscow!
Best regards,
Konstantin Salko,
Head of  ComNews Conferences
Tel.: +7(495) 933-54-83 ext.133,

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