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Dear Ladies & Gentlemen !

COMNEWS invites you and your colleagues to take part in the 3rd Strategy Forum PR Vector. Development of Corporate Communications in ICT.
Date and venue: July 9, 2015, Azimut Moscow Olympic Hotel, (18/1, Olympiyskiy Prospect, Moscow).
Compared with other branches of the economy, ICT has a number of distinctive features, which affect corporate communication policies. Competition combined with partnerships makes media relations personnel maintain close contact with each other for the sake of possible cooperation between their companies. Given that telecom and IT are an essential part of public security, market players constantly need to approve their course with government regulators. Due to continual inflow of new players to the market, companies need to recruit new specialists in external and internal communications and introduce them to the professional and media communities.
The program of the forum was drafted with participation of leading PR experts of the ICT industry and is designed to share knowledge and skills which help to solve business tasks, improve PR professionals’ expertise and broaden the list of business contacts.
Key topics of PR Vector:

  • Specifics of PR support to the promotion of hi-tech products and services
  • Can you get quality PR under reduced budgets and minimum costs?
  • Crisis PR and management in ICT. Best practices in creating a response system for critical situations
  • How to talk the same language with business media?
  • How to apply performance measurement to a PR department?
  • Multi-channel PR:  New tools and approaches
  • Market of PR professionals: How to find committed and savvy talents?
  • Nonconventional corporate events as an effective tool of HR branding
  • Effective using of internal communications and involvement of employees in corporate life
  • Corporate media and TV: building employees’ loyalty one issue after another
  • Collaboration with PR agencies. Why outsource what you could do yourself?

Forum specifics:

  • The program is clearly focused on the ICT industry, rather than public relations and communication policy in general.
  • Part of the forum time will be dedicated to the presentation and awards ceremony of ICT CORPORATE MEDIA AWARDS – a contest of corporate media in the ICT.
  • Informal, upbeat and practice-oriented program with case studies and discussions featuring the most reputable industry professionals; excellent networking opportunities, along with off-the-record talks and negotiations.

We invite members of press services and external/internal communications departments of broadcasting, telecom, digital and IT companies, communication agencies and business media to register to the event and appreciate all benefits of the forum for you and your career.

See you at PR Vector business forum on July 9th!

Sincerely yours,
Tatiana Bocharova
COMNEWS Conferences Producer


For sponsorship, please contact Irina Glukhova, COMNEWS Sales Director 

For delegate participation, please contact Tatiana Surkova, Head of Delegate Sales ts@comnews.ru



Strategic Media
General Media
Informational and Analytical


Media Partners: 
Report on
PR Vector 2014


Strategic Partners:

Silver Partner:


Networking Partner:

Сocktail Partner:

Service Partner:

The official expert
in the field of corporate information security:

Educational Partner:

Floral partner:


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