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Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,

The conference “Voice 2013 – Future of VoIP traffic in Russia & CIS. Transit & Retail” organized by COMNEWS took place on November 13th, 2013 at the Renaissance Moscow Olympic hotel (Moscow, 18/1 Olympic prospect).

Current structure of the voice traffic market in Russia is undergoing dramatic changes as the market is splitting into classic telephony and IP. New opportunities of the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology propel operators to adjust their business strategies and expand partnership geography.

What are the challenges in the voice traffic transit market in Russia and CIS?
What new opportunities can a global operator discover in the Russian market?
What changes in tariffs for traffic transit are expected in the global inter-operator market?

Voice 2013 brought together on one site top executives of transit telcos, domestic and international voice service providers, VoIP traffic exchange sites, OEMs and software developers, industry analysts and media to discuss these and other hot industry topics for the first time ever:

  • Voice traffic transit market in Russia and CIS. Trends and challenges
  • Outsourcing of international traffic transit – benefits and risks
  • Competition in the global market of traffic transit
  • Creating a new global trading platform for voice traffic exchange
  • Providing the quality of voice traffic in the typical situation of transit through a lot of transit operators
  • Termination of inbound and outbound voice traffic in packet-switching networks: Is traditional telephony coming to an end?
  • Multifunctional software packages for VoIP operators
  • Solutions for voice traffic transit and SS7
  • Development trends of transit voice traffic market in Russia and CIS. Conditions and effects of tariffs' changes
  • Legalization issues of interoperator interaction of telecom operators through SIP-protocol
  • HD voice as a new driver in voice business
  • Winning strategy for a large operator of voice communications: direct traffic exchange with foreign partners vs collaboration with transit operators
  • Retail market of IP phone services – a source of traffic transit

Voice 2013 conference was:

  • The only professional event for members of the voice and VoIP traffic transit market in Russia and CIS.
  • Focused on hot market problems and practical issues of doing traffic transit business in Russia and CIS.
  • Presentation of state-of-the-art solutions and technologies in billing, traffic analysis and new models of getting it to customers.
  • Excellent networking opportunities, lobby talks and business negotiations.

We are looking forward to meeting you at Voice 2014 in Moscow!

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