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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

ComNews Conferences in partnership with the Russian Satellite Communications Company (RSCC), the national satellite operator of Russia, are delighted to invite you to the 17th Annual Conference and Exhibition of Operators and Users of the Russian Federation Satellite Telecommunications Network - SATRUS-2012.

Date & Venue: October 31 - November 1, 2012, Renaissance Moscow Olympic Hotel (Russia, Moscow, Olympiski prospect 18/1). Registration of participants: October 31  at 9:30 a.m.

Key Topics of the Conference:

  • RSSC: 45 years of successful cooperation
  • RSSC:  yesterday, today, tomorrow
  • Satellite communication networks in Russia and abroad
  • Current  state of satellite constellation, new spacecrafts manufacture and launch plans
  • RSCC partnership with major global satellite communication and broadcasting vendors
  • Who is who on the satellite communication market. Prospects of inter-operator cooperation
  • Russian and international projects involving  satellite and terrestrial infrastructure of RSSC 
  • RSSC’s new spacecrafts: new services and opportunities for the Russian users
  • Digital satellite broadcasting systems in the Russian Federation. News from market leaders
  • Convergent multimedia services based on satellite resource
  • VSAT technologies and equipment: cooperation is possible
  • Use of Ka-band for development of broadband infrastructure and network
  • Financial aspects of satellite business launch in Russia and abroad
  • International cooperation at satellite communications operators investment
Who will you meet?: Executives of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, the Federal Communication Agency and other state bodies, heads of Russian and foreign satellite operators, representatives of broadcasting companies and broadcast networks operators, telecommunication equipment manufacturers, consumers of satellite services, system integrators, investment and insurance companies, consultants and industry experts, industry media representatives.

The exhibition of telecommunications equipment, services and solutions for satellite communications networks will be arranged during the Conference.

Visa, Transfer & Accommodation: Please contact our official partner IntelServiceCenter for accommodation, visa and transfer services. Manager Daria Klekovkina is at your service by phone: +7 (495) 956 4422 or e-mail: event@isctravel.com

We are looking forward to meeting you and your colleagues on the Conference «SATRUS-2012»!

Best regards,
Konstantin Salko
Conference producer
Tel. +7(495) 933-54-83 ext.133


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