| Key verticals in IT innovations The 1st All-Russian Forum Priorities 2014: Informatization of Education and Healthcare in Russia was held on June 4th, in Moscow Holiday Inn Lesnaya Hotel. Organized by COMNEWS Group, the event was endorsed by Moscow Association of Private Clinics, Russian Agency for Information Society Development, eGovernment Center, Association for Development in Medical IT Technologies (ARMIT), Information and Computer Technologies Industry Association, Association of Regional Non-profit Educational Organizations, Association of Private Academic Institutions, St. Petersburg Association of Private Clinics, and Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC). The Forum was attended by more than 250 delegates from medical and educational facilities from all around Russia.

The aim of the forum was to establish an open dialogue between developers of IT and telecom solutions and target professional communities, and also to create a bank of ideas, which can be implemented by public and private medical and educational facilities.
FSUE Russian Broadcasting and Alert Networks (RSVO) was Partner of the Forum Priorities 2014: Informatization of Education and Healthcare in Russia. RSVO is a wired radio alert operator with networks in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Besides, the event was supported by Aquarius and InformZaschita, while White Stone – exclusive distributor of ECDL certificate (leading international computer skills certification program) was General exponent of an exhibition of vertical IT solutions, organized as part of the Forum. More than 70 leading business and specialized industry media provided information support to the event.
The plenary session was kicked off by Artur Kontrabaev, Chairman of Tula region Committee for informatization and communications, who stressed that at this stage of healthcare informatization, the main tasks on the agenda is revision of the industry’s regulatory framework, optimization of business processes in all healthcare organizations, development and introduction of up-to-date standards in services, promotion of wider use of IT tools in healthcare, and in the long run, the transition to the service-based approach. Valery Stolyar, Head of Training Center, Scientific Clinical Center of the Russian Railways, spoke about the advantages of telemedicine technologies for distant learning. He pointed out that they entail substantial savings for clinics and allow to deliver lectures for several regions at once. Other benefits of these technologies include the possibility to broadcast unique diagnostic techniques and surgeries as part of telelecturing, interactivity of teleducation and the possibility to organize training on the job and combine lectures and clinical discussions. Another speaker, Dmitry Kulikov, Acting Minister of Education of Tver region, mentioned that informatization of the education system is currently transitioning from isolated computerization to e-pedagogics, which is essentially a combination of learning, describing and forecasting educational processes in ICT-rich environments.
The plenary session continued after a break, and the floor was turned over to Tatiana Zarubina, Head of Medical Cybernetics and Informatics Department, Medical and Biological Faculty, Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU,) and President of HL7-Russia. She delivered an overview of global standards and strategies in eHealth. According to Tatiana Zarubina, all branches of the national healthcare system must be shifted to the next IT level, which is eHealth – an assembly of distributed medical databases on specific people, which enables remote interactive medical consultations for patients.
In turn, Natalya Tikhomirova, Rector of the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), outlined the specifics of distant learning in Russia’s system of continuous education. According to MESI’s forecast, in the next 10 years higher education providers will be forced to drastically change their model, primarily as a result of the shift in the technology paradigm and exploration of new opportunities by global leaders of the education market. 2017 – 2025 will be a transitional period, when new global practices will also be introduced in Russia.
Other speakers of the plenary session included: Chairman of ANVUZ Russia Association Vladimir Zernov, Member of Parliament Grigory Kuranov, and Olga Goncharova, Professor of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University and President of the Union of Women Doctors of Russia.
In conclusion of the plenary session, Andrey Istomin, Director of Government Programs at Russian Broadcasting and Alert Networks (RSVO), presented a new comprehensive solution for medical and educational facilities, which allows integration of the existing systems of fire control monitoring and emergency alerting based on Strelets-Monitoring platform.
The second part of the Forum consisted of two concurrent practical sections addressing the barriers to IT penetration into the academic complex and eHealth in Russia.
The section Education & Training 2.0. Barriers to and growth potential of informatization in the Russian academic complexfeatured reports from the following speakers: Irina Seliverstova, Deputy Director of the Inter-regional Association for Education Monitoring and Statistics (MAMSO), Yulia Skurikhina, Advisor to Rector of Kirov regional state autonomous educational institution of advanced training, Alexey Schegoltsov, Deputy Director of the Moscow Center for TechnologicalModernization of Education, Sergey Chaplygin, Deputy Chief of Technology Transfer at Samara State Medical University, Dmitry Paranichev, Director of Internet-Broadcasting project, Russian Broadcasting and Alert Networks (RSVO), Yakov Mendeleev, Head of Rostelecom’s “E-school of the Future” Project Egor Leonov, Head of Education Division at Samsung, SvetlanaAvdeeva, Head of the Center for Learning Information Technologies of the Federal Institute for Education, Natalya Turina, Head of Social Navigator project, Russia Today, Sergey Artamkin, Head of electronic learning resources at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU), Alexander Molchanov, Prorector for e-learning of the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, Nataliya Barysheva, Head of Endowment Programs, RWM Capital Asset Management, and CEO of Paper Planes GVCG Ilya Balakhnin. Panelists shared their experience in successful implementation of information technologies in educational facilities.
The participants of the concurrent section Health &Care 2.0.Barriers to and growth potential of E-healthcare in Russiaincluded: Mikhail Pliss, Territory Sales Representative for Medical and Educational Organizations, Oracle CIS, Maxim Shamansky, Head of EMIAS projects at Moscow City Government Department of IT, Maria Degtereva, Director of Medical Research and Information Center of Vladimir region, Pyotr Kuznetsov, Director of Medical Research and Information Center of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Health Care Administration and Economy, Faculty of Public Administration, Higher School of Economics, Denis Khlapov, Senior consultant from InformZaschita, Boris Kobrinsky, Head of Scientific Center of New Information Technologies, Autonomous Structural Subdivision Pediatry Clinical Research Institute under Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, and Deputy General Director of Aquarius Vladimir Vinokurov. They discussed a wide range of practical issues and the lifecycle of innovative technologies in healthcare.
The section Health&Care 2.0.Barriers to and growth potential of E-healthcare in Russia concluded with a round table dedicated to key challenges and prospects in IT penetration into healthcare. The discussion featured: Mikhail Pliss, Territory Sales Representative for Medical and Educational Organizations, Oracle CIS, Pyotr Kuznetsov, Director, Medical Research and Information Center of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Health Care Administration and Economy, Faculty of Public Administration, Higher School of Economics, Business Development Director of FORS – Development Center Nikolay Zezyulinsky, Andrey Osokin, Public Sector Director of Samsung Electronics, Vladimir Pastushenko, CIO of Medicina AlphaStrakhovanie, Alexander Panarin, Healthcare Account Executive at Microsoft Russia, Maxim Shamansky, Head of EMIAS projects, Moscow City Government Department of IT, and Executive Director of Software Developers’ Association “Domestic Software” Evgeniya Vasilenko. Panelists admitted that engagement of medical staff into IT and automation processes is struggling, because the value and advantages of advanced technologies don’t look evident to common medical workers. “The main task of informatization in a medical facility is to support diagnostic and treatment processes”, emphasized Maxim Shamansky. Participants of the round table said they hope that in the long run, penetration of IT technologies in healthcare industry will facilitate the transition from scattered and unconnected IT solutions to a unified federal system which will make it possible for patients to seek medical help in any part of the country, while doctors will be able to get comprehensive information about patients in electronic format.
A Business Contact Exchanged organized as part of the Forum was a unique interactive networking platform for the professional community.
The Forum concluded with honorary award ceremony for winners of the 6th All-Russian Contest Best Top 10 IT Projects for the Public Sector. EducationandHealthcare.
Participants of the All-Russian Forum Priorities 2014: Informatization of Education and Healthcare in Russia highly praised the event for addressing topical issues and providing a convenient platform for an insightful dialog between educational and healthcare facilities and developers and suppliers of software products.
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