English (United Kingdom) Русский (Russian Federation)   +7 (495) 9335483 17.02.2025  
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In Partnership:  
The Russian Satellite Communications Company (RSCC) is the Russian state satellite operator with global coverage. RSCC was founded in 1967 and belongs to the ten largest world satellite operators in terms of satellites and orbital slots. The company possesses the largest satellite constellation in Russia. The satellites are located in the geostationary orbital arc from 14 West to 140 East and cover Russia, CIS, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia Pacific region, North and South America, and Australia. The RSCC terrestrial infrastructure includes five teleports: Dubna, Bear Lakes, Skolkovo, Zheleznogorsk, Khabarovsk and the Shabolovka Technical Center in Moscow as well as its own high-speed optical-fiber digital network.
As the national satellite operator RSCC meets the important state tasks on providing mobile presidential and governmental communications, federal TV & Radio signal transmission over the territory of Russia and the most countries of the world. The company pays serious attention to implementing national projects. RSCC closely interacts with the Russian state authorities in the field of informational and telecommunications and broadcast systems development.
RSCC provides a full range of communications and broadcasting services using its own terrestrial engineering facilities and satellite constellation including spacecraft of Express-AM, Express-A, Bonum-1, series and a part of the French W4 satellite capacity. The company’s satellites offer wide opportunities to establish TV & Radio broadcasting inclusive DTH, IPTV, MPEG-4 services, broadband Internet access, data transmission, videoconferencing, VSAT network deployment, departmental and corporative communications networks worldwide. The company has its own satellite TT&C system. Besides, RSCC controls and monitors the Eutelsat, Intelsat and other satellites using its engineering facilities.

The Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS) was established in August 2001. RTRS is one of the largest TV and radio networks in the world, managed from a single center, a natural monopoly, and has extensive experience in broadcasting television and radio programs.

The main activity of RTRS is TV and radio distribution in order to ensure the constitutional rights of Russian citizens to access information.

RTRS provides ethereal terrestrial broadcast of public television channels and radio stations throughout the Russian Federation, creates and deploys digital terrestrial networks for broadcasting. In addition RTRS provides services to commercial TV and radio channels to distribute their programs. Technical means of broadcasting of RTRS are used for cross-border broadcasting programs in Russia and abroad, mostly European countries.

Nationwide broadcasting is carried by 78 regional branches of RTRS, located in all regions of Russia.

Leading partners  of RTRS are all-Russia organizations, which are analogues of PSB. The total number of partners is over 1400 TV and radio companies in Russia, most of them have their distribution networks, as well as 12 European broadcasters.

The objective of RTRS for 2010 – 2015 is conversion of broadcasting to the DVB standard, analog broadcasting cutting-off  and development of digital radio.
RTRS is actively involved in creation if regional networks of satellite digital broadcasting thus forming the groundwork for the future interactive telecommunication environment for transmitting information for a wide range of users.


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