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ComNews Conferences recipe for success is the high quality of the events` programs, highly respected speakers and efficient management. This is achieved through a synergy of COMNEWS knowledge and business connections and professional excellence in event management.
The number of ComNews conferences is growing as they provide excellent venues for public and informal discussions of the industry issues and also a good chance to solve them. COMNEWS held 5 conferences in Moscow in 2009 and 11 in 2010, where hundreds of presentations were made for over 3,000 professional attendees.
In 2011 COMNEWS will host 15 conferences and forums together with the key market players and the professional associations.
COMNEWS is collaborating with the largest national and international associations of the ICT industry, such as the Association of Regional Communications Operators, National Radio Association (NRA), 3GPP, Asia-Pacific Satellite Communications Company (APSCC), Global Mobile Suppliers Association (GSA), Femto Forum, Fiber to the Home Council (FTTH), ETSI, Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF), Open IPTV Forum OIPF, GSMA, ITU, and UMTS Forum.
National association of TV &Radio Broadcasters (NAT) is Russia's largest professional non-profit association of broadcasters. The organization was founded in 1995. Today, NAT unites over 600 federal and regional companies, organizations and institutions.
NAT protects the rights and interests of broadcasters at the federal and regional levels, is involved in development of legislative base of the media and mass communications, as well as transition programs of television and radio to the new digital technology, and improving the licensing procedure for broadcasters.
The main projects and activities of NAT: International Congress «Broadcasting technologies progress», International exhibition of professional equipment and technologies for television, radio and Internet broadcasting NATEXPO, Moscow TeleShow, International Conference «Digital Russia today and tomorrow», children festivals «Vkluchaysya! (Get Switched on!)» and socially important television programs and films «The Hero of Our Time», the National Prize for satellite, cable and internet TV «Golden Ray».
The Association supports the largest events of the broadcasting industry - conferences, exhibitions, festivals, including the International: NAB in Las Vegas, IBC in Amsterdam.
NAT organizes an exhibition of domestic television industry, «The Russian house» at IBC.
NAT has initiated creation of the Digital alliance of Russia - the largest voluntary association of television industry participants under the auspices of the Ministry of Telecommunication and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. The main objective of the Alliance is coordination of the state bodies actions, scientific institutions, industrial enterprises, professional associations in the implementation of the federal program of transition to modern technologies of production and distribution of television and radio.
NAT monitors television and radio companies operating in Russia  and publish results in the Atlas of Television and Radio of Russia.
NAT  established the following contests: The Best TV company of the Year, The Best Radio Station of the Year, The Best System Project of the Year.
Eduard Sagalaev is the President of NAT.
Association of Cable television of Russia is a professional association of cable television (СTV) companies and multiservice networks established in 1998.
  • Contributing to development and effective operation of broadband multiservice CTV networks and their technical bases
  • Participation in the development of normative documents of CTV and communication industry in general
  • Information support of the ACTV members’ activities
  • Organization of public events on topical issues of the market


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