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RIA Novosti is a leading Russian news media organization, with a history spanning 70 years. Today the group incorporates the eponymous multimedia international news agency, a Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI), a business news agency (PRIME), a sports news agency (R-Sport), a rating agency, a publishing house (Moskovskiye Novosti, or Moscow News) and a wide network of media centers in Russia and abroad, as well as over 40 websites in 14 languages, with an overall audience of over 17 million unique visitors per month.
www.digit.ru is one of RIA Novosti`s online information resources, which provides information on the latest innovations in IT and telecommunications and on new legislative and business initiatives, and publishes surveys and commentaries along with multimedia content. The site is visited by 450,000 users a month.
Research and publishing company ComNews was founded in 1998. ComNews Group issues annual bulletin “Telecoms Encyclopedia & Broadcasting. Russia” (contains detailed and objective information on all key telecom companies on Russian marketplace); monthly “Standard” magazine; daily ComNews.ru internet newspaper of telecom business news; directory “Who is Who in Russian Telecom & Broadcasting”. ComNews Group performs research and review of the regional, national and CIS telecom markets in the frames of a daughter company ComNews Research. ComNews Group also provides consultations regarding media relations and PR-activities. 
  STANDARD is a unique monthly business magazine of ComNews Group published in Russian. The main focus of the publication is on telecom, broadcasting and IT market developments in Russia and the former Soviet Union states, as well as other emerging markets such as China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand. Our editorial team has an impressive experience in business journalism.
STANDARD contains analysis and forecasts on the hot topics (actually, followed on a daily basis by ComNews.ru). STANDARD is a full color publication, with a circulation of 10,000 copies. It is distributing on a subscription basis (incl. free qualified subscription) and at key industrial events (such as telecom exhibitions and conferences).
Currently STANDARD has over 8,000 subscribers, spread out all over Russia and CIS. From January, 2006 the subscription for STANDARD
is available in all the 11 countries of CIS.

cee|tv is a network of young professionals, experts and correspondents, all active in the television business in the region. Our goal is to provide an extensive outlook on the markets in the region.
Currently, we supply exclusive news and market intelligence on 19 markets in the CEE region, covering more than 90 leading terrestrial channels.
Our service gives TV professionals the opportunity to actively monitor developments in the markets – the latest news and deals, ratings updates, market analysis and profiles of local channels and producers.
On the our website, clients can access current channel schedules and manage an On Air list, which includes air date information for international formats, local shows, acquired series and ready-made shows. Our extensive archive provides show descriptions and broadcast history of over 4.000 local shows, including 150+ international formats.
Our newsletter will update you on all the latest news and the most important numbers from 19 markets in the CEE region. The weekly programming updates from each territory will keep you up to date with launches/end dates of local shows, international series, formats and ready-made shows.
Our organization aims at servicing the interest of local and international TV businesses. Content suppliers can easily follow developments on the market at the click of a mouse. They will be able to compare their performance to market rivals in an easy-to-manage interactive environment.
Local broadcasters and producers have the opportunity to actively monitor trends and developments in the neighboring markets and find the best formula to suit their own businesses locally.
www.ceetv.net clients become active players in each of the 19 CEE territories, we currently cover. This service will open up new opportunities for your business and enable you to turn each of the markets into your ‘own home market’.  

- Daily online IT-news media for the readers of the Central region of Russia

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