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COMNEWS Conferences announces preparation of the International Business Forum «Next Generation Broadband Networks Development in Russia - Broadband Russia Forum 2011», that will take place in Moscow on November 23-24, 2011 in Renaissance Moscow Hotel 
(Moscow, Olympiski prospect 18/1).
Growth rates of broadband access market in Russia are increasing annually - in 2010 by 25%, and this year, according to the industry analysts by 35-40%.
The upcoming event will become the largest platform to unite the top players of the wireless and fixed broadband access markets of Russia and the CIS. The Event will provide the participants an excellent opportunity to share experiences, learn the best practices and business models, discuss market prospects and network.
Key topics of the Forum:
  • Current state of broadband market in Russia and the CIS
  • Drivers for broadband market development in Russia and the CIS
  • Regulation and Legislation: changing the rules to impact the industry evolution
  • Cloud Computing: Global Experience and Prospects in Russia
  • Current broadband services in data networks
  • Modern multiservice broadband networks
  • Introduction of LTE networks in Russia
  • Development and prospects of mobile and fixed WiMAX
  • Multi-gigabit wireless communication technology WiGig
  • Development of broadband satellite network in Ka-band
  • IPTV and other methods of video delivery in Russia and the CIS
  • Introduction of additional services on broadband networks
  • Operators’ strategies: Deployment of broadband networks and business development
We expect reports from the prominent members of Russian and global telecommunications market and also participation of representatives of regulatory institutions.
We invite to participate: representatives of telecom providers, regulatory institutions, networking equipment manufacturers, system integrators, service providers, telecom analysts and consultants, management and investment companies, business and telecom media.
We are looking forward to meeting you and your colleagues in Moscow!
Best Regards,
Konstantin Kurochkin,
Forum Producer
Tel.:  +7(495) 933-54-83  +7(495) 933-54-83 ext.102
Naum Marder,
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications
Robin Mersh,
The Broadband Forum
Svetlana Shamzon,
Vice President, TransTeleCom 
Daniel Bar-Lev,
MEF Certification Programs
Mamuka Markhulia,
Strategy Planning,
GR and Legal Suport Director,
Tele2 Russia
Valery Yermakov,
First Deputy General Director in charge of Operational Activities,
Nikolay Tamodin,
General Director, 
General Director, 
Osnova Telecom
Oleg Popov,
Commercial Director, MGTS
Evgeny Buydinov,
Deputy General Director on Innovation Development, Russian Satellite Communications Company
Alexander Kalmykov,
Andrey Semerikov, CEO,
Gunther Klessinger
Founder & Managing Director Technology Innovation,
Axiros GmbH


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