| More than Just a Voice in the Internet On 27 November 2015, Holiday Inn Moscow Lesnaya Hotel hosted the 3rd International Conference “Voice 2015 – Future of VoIP traffic in Russia & CIS. Transit & Retail”, organized by COMNEWS.
The event was endorsed by the Federal Agency of Communications (Rossvyaz), GLONASS/GNSS Forum Association, the International Telecommunications Academy (MAC), the Association of Regional Telecom Operators (ARTO), the Association of Internet Developers and the non-profit organization “The National Association of house communications and information network” (NADIKS). The partner of the main Russian VoIP conference was MTT, the networking partner was the service MeYou.
The first session of Voice 2015, dedicated to the future of VoIP in Russia and the world, as well as the collaboration among operators, was opened by Igor Chursin, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency of Communications.
The first report “What will the telecom operator become when the telecom ceases to exist?” was made by Denis Shirokiy, Deputy General Director of Commerce at MTT. Afterwards, Yury Gedgafov, Partner at the international consulting company Ernst & Young (CIS) B.V. offered his visionary report “VoIP’s development problems in Russia and the world”.
The speakers and the delegates attended the round table “VoIP in Russia and the world: where is the market going?”. They explored the ideas of the preceding plenary session, the barriers for deploying IP-telephony in Russia, and answered the following questions: Will VoIP become a driver for telecom operators’ development? Will VoIP calls have special tariffs in Russia? The participants of the discussion were Igor Ermakov, Director of Instant Messaging Unit at Mail.Ru Group; Sergey Kudrin, CEO at Zebra Telecom; Elena Gracheva, PR-manager at Viber, etc.
The second session of Voice 2015 was dedicated to innovations and new services in voice traffic transfer. Viber’s Manager of Partnership and PR-manager, Oksana Lyubushina and Elena Gracheva, described the messenger’s potential to be a new media. Director of Instant Messaging Unit at Mail.Ru Group Igor Ermakov provided some data about using open VoIP technologies in mass products on the example of the ICQ messenger. CEO at Zingaya Inc. Alexey Aylarov prepared a review of cloud platforms for developing telephone and communication services. Marketing Manager at LPTracker Anna Smyshlyaeva told the audience about using VoIP together with call tracking and callback functions. CEO at New technologies Ivan Alekhin presented the new opportunities to protect calls offered by IQube.
The last round table, moderated by Denis Shirokov from MTT, dealt with the significance of VoIP for the corporate sector. The topics for this discussion included the prospects of VoIP as an alternative to traditional telephony, QoS and VoIP SLA, optimizing telephony costs with VoIP, the corporate usage of mass messengers, factors halting VoIP in business processes, the convergence of dial-back, telephone tracking, telephony and CRM in marketing and building customer loyalty. The round table was marked by the presence of Evgeny Vlasov, CEO at CallTouch; Dmitriy Kurin, Head of Cloud services at MegaFon; Artemy Moroko, General Director of Sipuni; Valery Novokreschenov, Development Director of CallBackHunter; Aleksey Studnev, Expert at 1C-Rarus; Anna Smyshlyaeva from LPTracker and others.
The participants of the event repeatedly stated that the annual Voice conference transformed itself into a vital and open professional platform to discuss the most critical tasks of the Russian VoIP market. | |  |