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TOP best CIOs of the North-West at TOP Mobile`2014

The 3rd Annual Practical Conference and Festival of Mobile Devices and Solutions TOP Mobile 2014 was held in St. Petersburg on November 13, 2014.

Organized by COMNEWS Group and SPb CIO Club, the forum brought together more than 200 professionals representing IT departments and infrastructure and service suppliers, alongside renowned industry experts, and business and IT media.

The Conference was endorsed by St. Petersburg Committee on Information and Communication, Russian Union of CIO (SoDIT), International Academy of Communications, Association of Regional Telecom Operators (ARTO), Moscow Center for International Business Development, Russian Association of Electronic Communications, Non-commercial partnership SODEISTVIE and non-commercial partnership RUSSOFT.

MegaFon provided generous support to the Conference as its General Partner, VimpelCom was Platinum Sponsor of the event, A1QA was Silver Sponsor, and EastBanc Technologies was Bronze Sponsor. The Conference was also supported by Orange Business Services, Aruba Networks and Qlik. Comfortel was Networking Partner of the event, while ESET was Official Expert in Corporate IT Security.

The key topic of the Conference was corporate mobility in the conditions of economic recession. The keynote speech on behalf of Ivan Gromov, Chairman of St. Petersburg Committee on Information and Communication, was delivered by Igor Bushikhin, Head of Municipal Telecommunications and Networks Development. Other keynote speakers included MegaFon’s Denis Mescheryakov, A1QA’s Maxim Chernyak, and VimpelCom’s Evgeny Korobov.

The Conference kicked off with the block Trends – IT-Board: Interview with Leaders. On the Way Toward Mobile Corporate Strategy, where the special guest Johan Balijon, Head of Global Solutions and Services, Orange Business Services, spoke about the four trends affecting business, the challenges of mobility, and about when companies will get to a critical moment for digital transformation. Andrey Kirsha, Microsoft’s Head of Partner Network Development in North West Region, offered an overview of what contemporary head of IT service should be like. According to the speaker, they should necessarily be an innovator, experimentalist, leader and visionary who realize what mobility can do for business.

The discussion around market trends continued at the session dedicated to mobile solutions in the corporate environment. Denis Mescheryakov, MegaFon’s Network Development Director of the North-West Branch looked into telecom services being the foundation of modern-day businesses’ efficiency. Sergey Truhan, CTO of Aruba Networks in Russia & CIS, busted 7 popular myths about Wi-Fi. Nikita Artukh delivered a report about MDM as a tool to control a fleet of devices. A practical case about the capabilities and implementation of mobile solutions for staff performance optimization was presented by Vadim Chesnokov, Head of Mobile Technologies at EastBanc Technologies. S7 Group’s Head of Projects and Services Ekaterina Cherednichenko showcased a new mobile solution project, aimed to improve the performance of regional managers of S7 airlines - onAir Manager. Gennadiy Nosenko, Head of Mobile Developments Section, First Line Software, offered a different perspective on mobile app development and listed the advantages and downsides of cross-platform and native development in this field.  

The session after lunch was dedicated to mobile enterprise construction and management practices. Qlick’s solutions architect Sergey Polekhin demonstrated a new analysis tool - Qlik® Sense. Deputy CIO of Lenta retail chain Nikolay Vyatkin spoke about the use of mobile solutions in his company. Speakers of the block Opportunities for Mobile Business in New Economic Environment – CEO of GNU/Linuxcenter and board member of Russian Association of Free Software Pavel Frolov and Rusonix’s CEO Konstantin Anisimov offered some insights on how companies can cash in and adapt to new market realities.

The Conference concluded with a talk show entitled Spare Not Invest – A Lesson of Punctuation for CIO. Panelists interviewed included experts from leading industry players: Alexey Abramovich (A1QA), Alexey Makismachev (Realty Bulletin Group), Evgeny Yudovin (Orange Business Services), Galust Shakhbazyan ( ESET), Konstantin Anisimov (Rusonix), Pavel Frolov (GNU/Linuxcenter), and Maia Lopata (VimpelCom).

The evening ended with a private dinner organized by Orange Business Services, SPb CIO Club, and COMNEWS Group. The guests discussed burning ICT issues in an informal environment.

The participants of the Conference highly praised the professional level of speakers, networking opportunities and general level of the event organization. 


General Internet Partner:Strategic Media Partner:HR-Partner:General Media Partner:
  Official Information Partner on Security: 

 Media Partners: 

General Partner:

Platinum Sponsor:

Silver Sponsor:

Bronze Sponsor:

With the Participation of:

Networking Partner:

The official expert
in the field of corporate information security:

Technical Partner:

Prize Drawing Sponsor:


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