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О TOP Mobile 2012:
Informative. Round tables is a great idea.

Svetlana Vinogradova, Megafon

Well organized event, clear and relevant topics.

Andrey Kondratovskij, Trestsevzapmontazhpromstroj

Excellent organization, an interesting Conference.

Boris Kuzmin,
Profit Company

Positive, productive.

Lehning Anton,

Very important topics were discussed -the use of mobile devices in the corporate environment and BYOD

Denis Skrynnikov,

Worthy conference without pathos or importunity.  

Smozhenkov Stanislav,
(Concern PVO Almaz-antey)

It was interesting to understand and discuss the problems and solutions in the mobile market.


Tselishchev Alexander, Documents Factory


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

COMNEWS, St. Petersburg CIOs Club and the Union of Russian IT Directors cordially invite you and your colleagues to take part in the 2nd  St. Petersburg Practical Conference and Festival of  Mobile Devices and  Solutions TOP Mobile 2013.

Date & Venue: 20 November 2013, Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya Hotel (St. Petersburg).

Today in the business vanguard there are companies that wisely follow the strategy of modernization and innovation. Today's realities require corporation to reckon with the fact of total penetration of mobile devices and services into daily life and IT managers are forced to search new and effective ways to use emerging mobile infrastructure for development and strengthening the company's position in the market.

St. Petersburg Conference Practical Conference and Festival of  Mobile Devices «TOP Mobile 2013» - is the only  open industry event in the North-West Federal District initiated by the IT directors of the region for the experience and knowledge exchange in the field of enterprise mobility and mobile device management in a business environment.

The Conference aims to unite CIOs, Heads of systems administration services, Heads of information security in different economy sectors to discuss the key issues in the field of the business "mobilization".

The program will include plenary sessions, parallel practical sections as well as master classes, talk shows and panel discussions. the Festival of mobile devices and solutions for the corporate sector will become a separate part of the Conference program.

The key issues of the Conference:
  • Enterprise 2.0. in Russia and in the world. The results of 2013. CIO’s Insight into the future of mobile business.
  • BYOC-BYOD-BYOID-BYOIT. The evolution of CIO challenges when moving to a BYOx concept.
  • BYOD benefits for corporate customers. What to do with the risks?
  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of the BYOD strategy implementation to the company?
  • Corporate vs. Hybrid cloud. CIO to choose.
  • Data virtualization. How to optimize IT expenditures?
  • Corporate cloud services: what does market offer? How to minimize the costs and risks?
  • Information flow control mechanisms in the clouds
  • Big Data management practices in corporations. Are companies companies ready to the work with «Big Data»?
  • MDM, EMM, MAM. Protection and management of mobile devices in a corporate  environment
  • Case-study: BYOx in a corporate environment
  • Case study: Cloud» migration practice. CIO Report

Representatives of major Russian and international companies will share their competences in the design and implementation of mobile applications and services sphere.

TOP MOBILE Conference  is:
TRENDS - professional Conference on recent «mobile» trends in IT!
OPTIONS-  opportunities of  the of mobile devices and solutions market for the corporate sector!
PRACTICE - the practical experience and expertise of professionals of the market of corporate mobility!

Join professionals in the CORPORATE MOBILITY sector!

We will also be glad to answer your questions by phone and email:
COMNEWS: +7495933 83 54,
Zhirnovskaya@comnews.ru, Alexandra Zhirnovskaya;
St. Petersburg CIOs Club:  +7 812 +7 812 579 78 41,
congress@spbcioclub.ru  AlexandraLivanskaya.
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