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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

ComNews Conferences invites you to take part in the 2nd International Business Forum «Space Comms Business Day 2013»,  the only independent event in Central and East Europe devoted to satellite communications  network, services and broadcasting.

Date & Venue: April 24, 2013, Holiday Inn Moscow Suschevsky, Russia (Moscow, Suschevsky Val, 74). Registration starts at 9:30 a.m.

Key Topics of the Conference:

  • Development of the Russian orbital constellation, satellite communications ground infrastructure and broadcasting
  • Changes in the satellite communications market in the terms of  the entry of Russia into the WTO
  • International partnership and cooperation in the field of space telecommunications technologies
  • New opportunities for satellite broadcasting in the Russian Federation
  • Interactive services based on satellite digital broadcasting
  • Fundamental changes in the sector of mobile satellite services in the Russian market
  • New broadband data solutions for portable and mobile applications in satellite communication networks
  • Corporate VSAT-based networks
  • IP network via satellite: market prospects
  • Broadband access via VSAT system for individuals. Prospects and opportunities.
  • The use of Ka band for carrier-class solutions

Who will you meet?
Executives from the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, the Federal Communication Agency and other state bodies, heads of Russian and foreign satellite operators, broadcasting companies and operators of broadcast networks, telecommunication equipment manufacturers, system integrators, investment and insurance companies, consultants and industry experts, industry media, consumers of satellite services.

We are looking forward to meeting you and your colleagues at the International Business Forum "Space Comms Business Day 2013"!

Best regards,
Konstantin Salko
Conference producer
Tel.  +7(495) 933-54-83 ext.133

For sponsorship opportunities
please contact
Irina Glukhova ,
Head of Sales Department

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