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Dear ladies and Gentlemen,
ComNews Conferences  in partnership with the Association of regional telecom operators are delighted to  invite you to the I All-Russia Conference «Regional Telecom Operators. Contribution to Industry Development – Region Telecom 2011».
Date & Venue: 8 November 2011, Holiday Inn Moscow Suschevsky Hotel (Russia, Moscow, Suschevsky Val, 74). Delegates’ registration starts on November 8 at 9:30am.
Key topics of the Conference:
  • Current state and prospects of communication industry. Regulatory issues
  • The role of regional and local operators in the industry development
  • Conditions for changes in the principles of industry regulation
  • Development prospects for small and medium business
  • Antitrust regulation issues in the telecom industry
  • Investment attractiveness of municipal/regional operators
  • Issues of permits and ownership of line and cable telecom structures
  • Prospects for easement in housing and utilities infrastructure
Who will you meet? Telecom operators – ARTO members, regional and municipal operators, scientific and production associations, equipment manufacturers, system integrators service providers, industry consultants, telecom experts, representatives of industry media, investment and financial companies.
To register your place at the Conference please call: +7 (495) 933-54-83, +7 (495) 775-71-20   or email to conf@comnews.ru

For more information please visit our web-page:
We are looking forward to meeting you and your colleagues in Moscow!
Best regards,
Konstantin Salko
Conference Producer
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