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 Dear colleagues,  

I’m happy to salute you as we approach the 3rd International Conference Critical Communications Russia 2014, which will take place in Moscow on October 7th!

It is of utmost importance that the Russian communications administration is taking active part in the event alongside major corporate users of critical communications. 
I’m very impressed by the complex approach embraced by the organizers of the forum –COMNEWS Group, and their advanced vision of mission critical communications. The concept, which was born in digital PMR back in the day, is now used in a broader sense to encompass all sectors of the ICT which serve personal and corporate safety.

The world, and the universe of technologies in particular, is moving towards total connectivity, larger volumes of data communications and its smart use. Thus, broadband LTE standard initially created for mass commercial use, is already helping to tackle professional tasks. Most global vendors have launched their solutions which can enhance capabilities of TETRA or other digital PMR systems, and enable their integration with LTE networks.

I’m absolutely convinced that state-of-the-art digital PMR technologies will be in demand for years to come. Instant connection, security, hierarchy of PMR systems combined with digital quality of voice services and professional apps will always attract consumers.

Several large users of PMR standards ARCO-25 and TETRA in America, Europe and Asia already utilize broadband networks for non-mission critical communications and enhance integratability of such systems. Commercial providers are learning to better understand the needs of professional users of mission-critical communications, offering them secured broadband services. It’s a very exciting process.

I’m glad that it was at last year’s COMNEWS forum where we first dwelled on the solutions for integration of PMR with broadband mobile networks.

I’m convinced that our next meeting at Critical Communications Russia 2014 will pursue further discussion of such projects and the development of PMR in Russia in general!

See you on October 7th in Moscow!

Phil Kidner


Dear ladies & gentlemen!

COMNEWS would like to invite you and your colleagues to the 3rd International Conference "Critical Communications Russia: Private and Corporate Networks in Key Industries of the Russian Economy".

Date and venue: October 7, 2014, Holiday Inn Lesnaya Hotel (Moscow, Lesnaya str. 15).

Integrated control, management and security systems based on advanced ICT technologies have become one of the key factors of sustainable development for enterprises, territories and countries all over the world. In the past few years the industry of Critical Communications has pushed the limits of professional mobile radio (PMR) and dramatically extended its scope and functions with new complexes of smart units and systems, which ensure instant and effective response and maintain continuous control 24/7. Broadband technology has become the new foundation of social and economic development worldwide. The new paradigm, new connections and business models in the industry are the hot topics addressed by the professionals of Critical Communications in all developed economies.

Key topics of the conference:

  • Complex tasks and solutions in emergency response systems
  • Solutions for organization of public address systems and unified emergency number 112 throughout Russia
  • Key functions of crisis management centers under the EMERCOM of Russia
  • Setting up communication infrastructure in order to provide administration and safety of major national and international events in Russia. Lessons learnt from the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi 2014.
  • Professional mobile radio (PMR) systems. Short- and mid-term outlook for the market.
  • VSAT-based satellite solutions
  • TETRA solutions for enterprises and government agencies.
  • A review of GSM-R and its prospects in Russia.
  • Equipment manufacturing for PMR networks in Russia
  • Implementing and operating DMR systems in various industries
  • Complex solutions for mobile situation centers and crisis management centers
  • Safety arrangements for telecom infrastructure in the electric power industry based on satellite solutions from Gazprom Space Systems
  • Telecom innovations for the energy sector.
  • Enhancing security through interactive video monitoring

Critical Communications Russia will bring together more than 250 industry professionals representing Russia’s private and corporate customers and users, technology leaders, industry regulators from Russia and abroad, dedicated government organizations, leading associations, federal and regional media.

We invite market players dealing with all the popular PMR standards from ТETRA and APCO-25 to GSM-R and DMR to take part in insightful discussions, hear about the outlook for the market from regulators and the largest Russian companies, and get to meet the heads of leading industry associations, including TCCA, DMR, Russian LTE Union, GLONASS/GNSS-Forum, and etc.

You can find a summary of last year’s Critical Communications Russia 2013 online.

Sincerely yours,
Nadezhda Shikunova
Conference Producer,
Tel.: +7 (495) 933-5483; +7 (967) 136-2260; e-mail: ns@comnews.ru

 For sponsorship, please contact Irina Glukhova, COMNEWS Sales Director irina@comnews.ru

For delegate participation, please contact Tatiana Surkova, Head of Delegate Sales ts@comnews.ru


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