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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

COMNEWS invites you and your colleagues to participate in the VI International Conference “Managed Services 2015 – Operators’ costs optimization, telecommunication networks and IT infrastructure outsourcing & network sharing” scheduled for 15 September 2015 at Holiday Inn Lesnaya Hotel (Moscow, 15 Lesnaya str.).

Outsourcing communication networks and IT infrastructure is one of the key tools for carriers to reduce costs and improve operating efficiency. Taking advantage of managed services and outsourcing allows operators to focus on their core activity and reduce implementation time for new services and network upgrades.

In 2015, Managed Services 2015 will share the venue with the IV Russian National Conference “Digital Finance & E-Services Russia 2014 – Next generation customer services, technologies and solutions for digital payments market”, which will raise the participants’ awareness about using information and communication technologies in the financial sector.

We invite market players to learn from the experience of the biggest operators and solution developers regarding the following key topics of the conference Managed Services 2015:
  • Telecommunications infrastructure outsourcing in Russia and globally. The experience of the biggest projects in the field.
  • The problem of saving personal data: OSS/BSS outsourcing
  • Network Sharing in telecommunications: market trends and key success factors
  • New opportunities for communications providers after the radio frequency spectrum sharing is legalized in Russia
  • Joint construction and operation of communications networks. Partnerships of operators and the largest infrastructure owners in Russia
  • Partnerships of operators with the adoption of the MVNO model and passive infrastructure sharing
  • Potential of cloud services on the IT outsourcing market: growth areas
  • Building fiber-optic communication lines on overhead transmission lines for mobile operators
  • Aspects of IT outsourcing, IT infrastructure and process management for the benefit of communications providers
  • Carriers’ opportunities and challenges in outsourcing SORM equipment

The audience of the conference: representatives of the Russian and international communications providers, corporate and departmental networks, equipment suppliers, system integrators, investment companies, public authorities, consultants and experts in the field, business and specialized industry media.

We look forward to welcoming you at Managed Services 2015!

Faithfully yours,
Oksana Kruglova
Producer of COMNEWS Conferences

For sponsorship, please contact Irina Glukhova, COMNEWS Sales Director irina@comnews.ru

For delegate participation, please contact Tatiana Surkova, Head of Delegate Sales ts@comnews.ru


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Report on
Managed Services 2014


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