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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

COMNEWS supported by «E-Money Association» is delighted to invite you to Practical Conference «E-payments Russia 2013 – E-payment systems, mobile payments and services in Russia»

Date & Venue: 3 September 2013, Renaissance Moscow Olympic Hotel, 18/1 Olympiyskiy pr-t, Moscow 

According to the Central Bank of Russia  estimates the volume of bank card transactions grew in 5.6 times for last five years. High growth rates of e-finance market raises issues  in front of market players   that need to be solved in short term:

  • ­ Practice of the «National payment system» Law implementation;
  • ­ Mobile applications protection ways from cyber-attacks;
  • ­ Storage and protection of customer's personal data;
  • ­ Implementation of contactless payment at PoS;
  • ­ Loyalty programs management for retailers using bonus cards.

We invite to participate:
Top managers of banks and NCOs, leaders of processing centers, acquiring companies, money transfer systems; representatives of mobile and fixed  network operators; specialists in electronic and mobile commerce, equipment producers and solution developers. The business meeting will be held in the format of live discussions and exchange of views.

5 reasons to attend the Conference:

  • ­ Expand business acquaintances;
  • ­ Take part  in open discussions;
  • ­ Learn about the implementation intricacies of the NPS Law;
  • ­ Hear the views of leading market players;
  •  Get acquainted with international experience in the field of electronic payments.

For any information, please contact:
Oksana Kruglova, Conference Producer
Тел.: +7 495 933-5483
Моб.: +7 916 423-8032

For sponsorship opportunities please contact Irina Glukhova,
Head of SPEX department:

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