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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Two years on end ComNews Conferences organizes  the main Forum focused on the development and implementation of M2M technologies in Russia and in the world - «M2M – Communications and Connections 2012» which is scheduled for November 8, 2012 in Holiday Inn Suchevskaya Hotel in Moscow.

Annual growth of services based on M2M, as well as new ideas on possible implementation areas make telemetry area one of the most strategically important directions in the telecommunication market. Analysts also predict  up to 50 billion devices connected to mobile communication networks in 2020.

On the upcoming Forum participants will have the opportunity to discuss the prospects of m2m technologies development  in Russia and abroad, learn the latest strategies of operators in the field of m2m services, and get acquainted with already implemented projects based on m2m solutions in various economy sectors.

Key topics of the Forum:
• Analysis and development prospects of the M2M services market in Russia and abroad
• The necessity of creation a single service delivery standard  in the M2M area
• MVNO operators prospects on the M2M services market
• How will the introduction of mobile number portability (MNP) influence on the operator’s business in M2M segment?
• Introduction of new network generations and their influence on the development of the M2M solutions market
• M2M services delivery model in roaming
• Service synergy based on M2M and cloud solutions
• How does M2M sector influence the e-health sector development?
• What do operators want from M2M partners?
• The M2M opportunities for Smart Home
• M2M monetization opportunities scenarios for network operators
• The practice of creating an effective mechanism for monitoring, control and management of mobile objects
• The use of GLONASS/GPS for transport monitoring

Who will you meet? State representatives, CEO’s of system integrators working in the M2M, sector, fixed and mobile communication operators, M2M services terminal equipment manufacturers, consultants and industry experts, industry media representatives.
We are looking forward to meeting you and your colleagues at the «M2M – Communications & Connections Forum 2012»

Kind regards,
Konstantin Kurochkin
Producer,  ComNews Conferences



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