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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
ComNews Conferences is delighted to announce the International Business Forum «M2M – Communications & Connections 2011», which is scheduled for November 1, 2011 in Holiday Inn Suchevskaya Hotel in Moscow.
The global M2M (machine-to-machine technology). market shows stable growth during the last few years while the Russian market of M2M services is at its initial stage. M2M services demand has a huge potential, which will only grow in the future: according to Ericsson, over 50 billion devices will be connected to communication networks by 2020.
The Forum is aimed to become a major independent ground to unite key players of the Russian M2M services market. This event gives attendees a chance to explore the strategic shifts that new technologies will have now and into the future in Russia and across the globe.
Key topics of the Forum:
  • Development prospects of M2M market in Russia
  • М2М services as a new revenue source for telecom operators
  • Global experience of telematic data systems implementation
  • Business models for rendering M2M services
  • Technical implementation of M2M systems
  • 4G networks introduction and their impact on M2M solutions market development
  • Vertical M2M solutions forvariousindustries
  • The practice of creating an effective mechanism for monitoring, control and management of mobile objects
  • The use of GLONASS / GPS for transport monitoring
Who will you meet? State representatives, CEO’s of system integrators working in the M2M, sector, fixed and mobile communication operators, M2M services terminal equipment manufacturers, consultants and industry experts, industry media representatives.
Kind regards,
Konstantin Kurochkin
Forum Producer
ComNews Conferences
Sergey Irevli, Director, Department of corporate market solutions development and management, Commercial Block, Corporate Center of MTS Valeriy Tikhvinskiy,
Deputy General Director on Innovative Technologies, GIPROSVAZ, Dr.sc.oec
Sergey Balashov,
M2M solutions and services manager,
Olesya Vlasova, Leading analyst of the telecommunication market, Tele2 Konstantin Ankilov,
Managing partner
Igor Khersh,
Business Development Director, Echelon Geolife



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