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The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation is a federal agency under the executive branch responsible for drafting and implementing national policy and legal regulation in:
  • information technology, including the creation of government information resources and the promotion of access to such resources
  • telecommunications, including the allocation of and conversion of the radio frequency spectrum, and postal communications
    mass communications and the media, including the electronic media, the development of the Internet, television and radio broadcasting, and related technology
    publishing and printing
  • personal data processing.
The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media administers the national postal system, and national and international telecommunications networks.
The Ministry coordinates and controls activities of the Federal Service for Supervision of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Federal Agency for Information Technologies, the Federal Communications Agency, the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.
Igor Shchogolev is the Head of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media is of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Space Agency is a federal executive body responsible for Russian space activities which accomplishes the following basic functions:
-   implementation of government policies and regulatory activity;
- rendering government services and management of the government assets involved into space activities;
-   awarding government contracts for development, production and procurement of space technologies and space infrastructure objects, diversification of space technology production;
-   development and widening of international cooperation through implementation of joint space projects and programs, signing international contracts in accordance with an established order;
-   arrangement of conditions for utilization of space activities results in the interests of social and economic development of Russia and its regions.

Roskomnadzor is a federal executive authority performing permitting and licensing activities, monitoring and supervision in the areas of communications, information technology and mass communications.
The Federal Service also performs functions on organization of RF enterprises' activities.
Roskomnadzor is an Authorized Body for the Protection of personal data subjects.

Federal Agency of Communications (Rossvyaz) is a Federal Executive Body, executing functions of state property administration and telecommunication and postal state services rendering, including construction, development and utilization of communication networks, satellite systems, TV and radio broadcasting systems.Rossvyaz is under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Communications and Mass communications of the Russian Federation. 
The main areas of the Agency responsibility are as follows:

• Organization and management of public communication network;
• Accomplishment of a program of administration and reconstruction of integrated telecommunication network of Russian Federation in case of emergency;
• Organization of all-in-one communication services rendering;
• Organization of telecommunication and postal networks development;
• Ensuring the implementation of international coordination of frequency assignments, including orbital positions for spacecrafts;
• Organization and supporting of proof-of-compliance system in the field of communications;
• Organization of administration of state property, assigned to enterprises and institutions, being under the jurisdiction of Rossvyaz;
• Organization of state postage stamps issuing and circulation;
• Applications reviewing and decision making on  numbering resource allocation;
• State regulation of prices for connection and traffic transmission services of major operators of public communication network.


       The Asia-Pacific Satellite Communications Council (APSCC) is a non-profit international organization representing all sectors of satellite and space-industries including satellite service providers, manufacturers, launch service providers, risk management companies, broadcasters, and government organizations. The APSCC is a membership-base organization, and its membership is open to any organization or corporation including private and public companies, government ministries and agencies, and academic and research entities involved in the industry with interests in the Asia-Pacific region. The overall objective of the APSCC is to promote communications and broadcasting via satellite as well as outer space activities in the Asia-Pacific region through conferences, forums, workshops as well as exhibitions for the socioeconomic welfare of the region. For more information, please visit www.apscc.or.kr.

The mission of Association “GLONASS/GNSS-Forum”, established in October 2007, is to implement a comprehensive plan package for boosting development of GLONASS. The Association unites more than 40 key Russian companies and organizations engaged in GLONASS development, manufactures of satellite equipment (applications) and satellite navigation technology users. Association “GLONASS/GNSS-Forum” coordinates the activities of various categories of company and organization engaged in development, production and commercial use of GLONASS-based equipment and applications, analyses and selects GLONASS development priorities in Russia, participates in government policy-making in the field of GLONASS commercial use and cooperates with Russian and foreign partners to enhance the investment appeal, material and technical resources and scientific expertise of Russian companies.
Non-commercial partnership "National Assembly of Satellite Communications"
(NP NASC) was established in 1998 to help its members to carry out activities aimed to protect their rights and legitimate interests in the development and use of Russian satellite communications network technology.
NP NASC works in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and its own Charter.
NP NASC unites the largest satellite communications operators in Russia:
Russian Satellite Communications Company (RSCC), Gazprom Space Systems, Lukoil-Inform, Moscow Film Company, Stec.com , and others.
With the active input of NP NASC the State Commission for Telecommunications, the State Commission for Radio Frequencies and the Ministry of Communications had adopted legislations to ease the realization of satellite communications projects in the field of providing frequency and bringing into service land stations and communications facilities.
In the difficult times of economic crisis, experiencing certain financial difficulties, NP NASC continues its active work. It creates conditions for introducing advanced satellite communications technologies and for expansion of the offered range of services.
Headquartered in London, with a regional office in Washington, D.C., GVF is the international non-profit association, and the unified voice, of the satellite communications sector. An independent, non-partisan organisation with 230+ members from more than 100 countries, the GVF brings together organisations engaged in the delivery of advanced broadband and narrowband satellite services worldwide.
The broad-based membership represents every major world region and every sector of the satellite industry, including fixed and mobile satellite operators, satellite network operators, teleports, satellite earth station manufacturers, system integrators, value added and enhanced service providers, telecom carriers, consultants, law firms, and users.

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