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Research and publishing company ComNews Group was founded in 1998. ComNews Group issues annual bulletin “Telecoms Encyclopedia & Broadcasting. Russia” (contains detailed and objective information on all key telecom companies on Russian marketplace); monthly “Standard” magazine; daily ComNews.ru internet newspaper of telecom business news; directory “Who is Who in Russian Telecom & Broadcasting”. ComNews Group performs research and review of the regional, national and CIS telecom markets in the frames of a daughter company ComNews Research. ComNews Group also provides consultations regarding media relations and PR-activities.
STANDARD is a unique monthly business magazine of ComNews Group published in Russian. The main focus of the publication is on telecom, broadcasting and IT market developments in Russia and the former Soviet Union states, as well as other emerging markets such as China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand. Our editorial team has an impressive experience in business journalism.
STANDARD contains analysis and forecasts on the hot topics (actually, followed on a daily basis by ComNews.ru). STANDARD is a full color publication, with a circulation of 10,000 copies. It is distributing on a subscription basis (incl. free qualified subscription) and at key industrial events (such as telecom exhibitions and conferences).
Currently STANDARD has over 8,000 subscribers, spread out all over Russia and CIS. From January, 2006 the subscription for STANDARD is available in all the 11 countries of CIS.
We publish Tele-Sputnik Magazine, TeleMultiMedia Magazine and several yearly handbooks –Cable TV, Satellite TV channels, SATTV footprints, VSAT, Digital TV and IPTV etc.
Tele-Sputnik is a monthly Cable and Satellite TV and Telecommunications Magazine for professionals. It is distributed on subscription and by retail in the former Soviet Union and abroad.

The General Radio Frequency Centre (GRFC) Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) with the assistance of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications started the issuance of a specialized journal named “Radio Frequency Spectrum”. The edition is considered unique because the information published in it reflects the position of the organizations directly participating in regulation of the radio frequency spectrum usage. Among our authors there are heads of regulatory bodies and research organizations, experts and analysts, scientists and developers.
  • Officials, leading specialists of federal executive authorities in the communication area.
  • Members of the collegiate bodies determining the policy in the communication area (State Commission for Radio Frequencies, Government Commission for Federal Communication, Government Commission for the Development of TV Broadcasting)
  • Heads of communication enterprises, heads of legal services and technical specialists of the GRFC applicant companies.
  • Officials, leading specialists of the radio frequency service enterprises.
  • Officials, leading specialists of the branch’s Radio Research Institutes and FSUEs in the area of communication.
The magazine provides with information of current importance on events, companies, TV people and TV industry on the whole.
“TeleCENTER” is the perfect field for TV professionals, governmental and business people and audience to estimate the role of TV broadcasting in modern world. “TeleCENTER” is meant for directors, managers of TV industry - producers, TV channels directors, production companies, advertising and PR agencies, media holdings and publishing houses. Published since 2003 Issued 10 times per year Circulation 10 000 copies



- Daily online IT-news media for the readers of the Central region of


- Daily online IT-news media for the readers of the Privolzhje region of Russia


- Daily online IT-news media for the readers of the North-West region of


Magazine for the professionals of telecommunications and transport, and also for the end users of communication facility in the daily industrial activity. In magazine the latest news about the events occuring in communications in Russia and abroad, reportings and interview of the leading companies, opinions of the experts, new technologies, the equipment and decisions, analytical articles, marketing decisions and many other things are published. The magazine also covers achievements and problems Russian infocommunications and introduction of last achievements of branch on transport (satellite systems of navigation, GPS, etc.). It is unique magazine in Russia, covering normative-legal aspects in the field of telecommunications and other allied industries.
Groteck is a leading Russian b2b media company. We publish 38 titles for industry professionals in security, telecom, IT, broadcasting, building and construction, transportation, etc.
Groteck using cutting-the-edge up-to-date intelligent technologies and resources for publishing wide range of magazines, catalogs, and newsletters for vertical markets.
In 1994 Groteck was a pioneer to qualify our subscribers. Nowadays its' de-facto standard.
Visit us at www.groteck.com.

Groteck is a leading Russian b2b media company. We publish 38 titles for industry professionals in security, telecom, IT, broadcasting, building and construction, transportation, etc.
Groteck using cutting-the-edge up-to-date intelligent technologies and resources for publishing wide range of magazines, catalogs, and newsletters for vertical markets.
In 1994 Groteck was a pioneer to qualify our subscribers. Nowadays its' de-facto standard.
Visit us at www.groteck.com.


Media Profi is a monthly professional magazine devoted to media business, TV, radio, New Media
Every issue consists:
-  analytics of media market, network news, content policy, TV channels and radio stations;
-  new media technologies;
-  analysis of current legislative;
-  current events in media industry;
-  workshops and case studies devoted to major specializations in media business;
-   juristical advice.
Quality management, actual approach to business management, rise of communications enterprises' competitive strength, informatization and other branches of economy. Recommendations and analytic articles.

IKS-magazine - is the business magazine for Telecom, Media&IT in Russia and CIS, an efficient source of information for the managers and industry specialists. All about Telecom, Media & IT business in Russia: Industry news, analytics, market reviews and forecasts, technologies and services.
The magazine covers all directions for telecommunications development (wireline and wireless, television and radio broadcasting, satellite communication, NGN, etc.), media (digital content), information technologies.
Founded - 1992.
Special project
       IKS-Tech - a new section in IKS-magazine focusing on technical issues of designing, development and operation of telecom, engineering and information systems. 

ELECTROSVJAZ – a monthly science & technology magazine on telecommunications, television and radio broadcasting.
It is intended for a wide range of experts in communications and informatization.
It was founded in 1933.
It is distributed in Russia, CIS countries and abroad.
The founders – RegionalCommonwealth in the Field of Communications, The Russian Scientific & Technical A.S.Popov Society for radio engineering, electronics & telecommunications, InternationalTelecommunicationsAcademy.
Main topics and aspects covered by the Magazine:
-       communication networks and switching;
-       document  transmission;
-       telematic services;
-      TV and radio broadcasting;
-       satellite, cable and radio relay systems;
-      fiber optics communication;
-        mobile and trunk radio communication;
-        antenna feeder equipment;
-        power supply;
-        signal oscillation, amplification and conversion;
-        radio wave propagation;
-        developments by home and overseas firms and companies;
-        history of communications;
-       expositions, reviews and fairs.

“Connect! The World of Communication” magazine is the authoritative Russian monthly business-magazine about telecommunication and information technologies. This edition comprehensively deals with modern trends in the world of communication and information, serves as a guidebook for modern businessperson in the global infocommunicational space. On the pages of monthly magazine there are:
-        the examination of the state and prospects of the market of information and telecommunication technologies
-        the experience of information and communication in the fields and departments
-        modern business technologies provided by leading integrators, vendors, suppliers of solutions
-        art company management
-        opinions and recommendations of specialists.

Novosti Kosmonavtiki (News of Cosmonautics) is a monthly Russian science and technology magazine published in Moscow since 1991 to reflect current events and history of the Russian and world astronautics. The magazine is published under the auspices of the Federal Space Agency and the Space Forces of Russia. Igor Marinin is the Chief Editor.
The magazine covers in details all the space launches in the world, provides the chronicle of piloted space flights and interplanetary probes, traces the deployment and practical use of the Russian global space navigation system GLONASS. News of Cosmonautics pay great attention to advanced piloted programs, development of new launch vehicles and space systems for communications, meteorology and reconnaissance, to Russian and international space companies, and publishes unique articles on the history of Russian and world astronautics.


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