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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Business newspaper «Vedomosti» and ComNews Conferences invite you to take part in the International Forum «Public e-services: strategic challenges and practical solutions for Russia», which takes place on June 21, 2011 in Moscow.
The need for a qualitatively different level of interaction between the government, business and citizens across the vast territory of the Russian Federation is becoming more evident and pressing. Introduction of the e-government in Russia is designed to change the existing bureaucratic system. But the process is very slow and not always efficient both in the terms of low costs and achieved results.

What thwarts the development of e-government in Russia? What steps are going to be taken by the authorities? Which agencies succeed in implementing the public e-services at the federal and regional? What technologies, products and solutions are offered for effective functioning of the new format of public e-services? Which practices are worth attention?

Key topics of the Forum:
  • E-government introduction in Russia: government policy and actual practice of providing public e-services
  • Uniform State Register of Population and uniform citizen identifier: forming & managing principles
  • Implementing of electronic document management systems at the inter-institutional level and in the regions of the Russian Federation
  • Issues of organizational and technological integration of the regional portals and websites of individual departments within a single public e-services portal
  • The national payment system for public electronic services: mechanisms and forms of integration and administration. Universal electronic card of a citizen
  • International and domestic experience in rendering e-services. Best practices.
  • E-services projects budgeting: minimizing the launch costs and improving the quality of municipal e-services. Standard solutions vs. local solution
The Forum will bring together the representatives of federal, regional and municipal governments, businesses and public organizations in the field of information technology, financial institutions, educational and scientific institutions of the Russian regions, systems integrators, IT companies, network equipment manufacturers, terminal manufacturers and operating companies.

Ilya Massuh,
Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the
Russian Federation

Alexei Popov,
Director of Information Technology and Communications, the RF Government

Alexey Nashchekin,
VP Innovation Development,

Andrey Lipov,
Director, Department of Public Policy in the field of Information and Information Technology, the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation

Savva Shipov,
Director, Department of State Regulation in Economy, The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Sergey Sapelnikov,
Deputy Head,

Dmitry Nazipov,

Peter Lopashinov,
Deputy Governor of the Smolensk region - Head of the Smolensk region Department of information technology, communications and public e-services, Government of the Smolensk region


Nikolay Nikiforov,
Prime Minister - Minister of Informatization and Communication of the
Republic of Tatarstan

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