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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Comnews Conferences is delighted to announce the 3rd International Conference “Digital broadcasting and new ways of video content delivery. Interactive services in modern networks -  Digital & OTT TV Russia 2012», that is scheduled to March, 27-28, 2012 in Holiday Inn Moscow Suschevsky Hotel (Russia, Moscow, Suschevsky Val, 74)
Alexey Malinin,
Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass communications of the Russian Federation
Andrey Romanchenko, General Director, RTRS
Yury Prokhorov,
General Director,
Yury Pripachkin,
Association of Cable Television of Russia
Alexander Makarov,
General Director, Tricolor TV
Viktor Koresh,
Anatoliy Smorgonskiy, Marketing Director, Moscow Region, VimpelCom Irakli Nakashidze, Head of the Russian Representative Office, NDS
Oleg Kolesnikov, Technical Director, NTV-Plus Nikolay Orlov, Regional Director in the CIS, EUTELSAT Ilya Shpankov, Marketing Coordinator, Russia & CIS,
Opera Software
Vladimir Livshits,
Head of Information and analytical Center, 
Advisor to the President of NAT

Key topics of the Conference:
  • Federal program «Development of broadcasting in the Russian Federation 2009 – 2015»: implementation progress. Launching DTV networks in the regions
  • Digital broadcasting in Russia: what changes to expect in the relations between broadcasters, operators and telcos?
  • Information partnership as a new model of media business development
  • IPTV, OTT and other ways of video delivery in digital environment
  • New broadband and CDN technologies on guard of video content delivery services
  • OTT content monetization strategies
  • Satellite operators’ strategies in the pay TV market in Russia
  • Interactive services based on satellite digital television networks
  • Equipment for digital broadcasting and multiservice networks
  • Effective content security solutions for multichannel pay TV
  • Splicing and re-multiplexing for federal and regional channels
  • Quality services improvement and introduction of new and unique services as a key marketing tool
As in the previous years the Conference of 2012 will become the major industry event endorsed by the main international TV institutes and associations and state bodies.
We are looking forward to meeting you and your colleagues in Moscow!
Best regards,
Konstantin Kurochkin
Conference Producer
COMNEWS Conferences


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