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Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,
Comnews is delighted to announce preparation of the First Annual International Conference devoted to the development of cloud technologies in Russia and worldwide – «Cloud Services Russia 2012 — Providing services based on cloud technologies in Russia», which will take place on February 21, 2012 in Holiday Inn Suschevsky in Moscow.

Andrey Aksenov,
R&D Department,
Martin Dodd,
Evgeniy Sizov,
Yaroslav Gorodetsky, CEO ,
Vitaly Slizen,
General Director,
The group of companies INOVENTICA
Maxim Berezin,
Cloud Computing Expert, Computing Systems Dept., CROC
Evgeny Ilyin,
OJSC «MegaFon» Volga branch IT director
Oleg Koverznev, Regional Sales Lead, Datacenter & Virtualization solutions, Russia & CIS countries, Cisco Systems
Oleg  Simakov,
IT Director,
Medical Information
and Analytical Center of RAMS
Dmitry Ilyn,
Head of Cloud Services Department,
Konstantin Anisimov, Marketing Director, Russia, CIS,
the Middle East and Africa, Parallels
Alexander Vlasov,
Head of Moscow Office,
Deutsche Telekom

The key topics of the Conference:

  • Development of cloud technologies and their role in the modern economy of Russia
  • How migration to cloud will impact the corporate software standard?
  • Cloud computing contribution in the development of modern communication networks
  • SaaS market prospects in Russia and abroad
  • Transition to cloud infrastructure: best strategies
  • Drivers and barriers of the XaaS (anything as a service) market development in Russia
  • Criteria for choosing the cloud provider
  • Case-study: designing & providing secure and effective cloud services
  • Migration to the cloud: infrastructure optimization issues
Who will you meet?
Mobile operators and MVNO’s, ISP providers, device manufacturers, software developers, systems integrators, security providers, representatives of state bodies, industry experts and consultants, mass media representatives.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kurochkin
Conference Producer
COMNEWS Conferences


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